Where and How Should I Begin?

You might have a good idea for a mobile app but not know what features it should have or how the user interface should look.

Let’s briefly discuss what should be done.

Firstly, you need a plan. Aimlessly heading towards a target always leads to confusion and hampers smooth progress. Let’s look at what needs to be done to create a plan.


Begin by determining why you chose Android as the operating system. Is it your preference or your audience’s?

Making decisions based solely on intuition and instincts while bringing your app to life is not a good idea. If you want your target audience to keep using your app successfully for years, their preferences are more important than yours.

Where is Android Positioned Globally?

If your target is emerging markets, creating an Android app is a stronger choice.

iOS, on the other hand, is more widespread among larger audiences in America.

Before creating your app, you need to know which platform aligns with your company’s vision and your target audience’s demographics.

Building a Secure Team

Do you have the necessary resources to create the app? Android being an open-source operating system makes it not so easy to make it compatible across devices.

Does your current team have these three things?

Capacity – If you’re a small entrepreneur, how right is it for anyone (or everyone) in your team to focus on this app outside their areas? Will it cause delays in other areas of your business? Considering that bringing an app to life takes almost more than four months, this should be taken into account.

Skills – Your team members probably have their expertise and are quite successful in those areas, but can they adapt to new responsibilities like project management, app design, and app development? The smaller your team, the more hats everyone has to wear.

Funds – Time is money, so shifting your team’s focus from daily responsibilities to app development can negatively impact other income-generating activities. While working with an outside team is always costly, you should compare it with the cost of lost business or hiring for new in-house roles.

In short, working with an agency might be a good option for your efforts. That’s why you can get information from Proje34.

Creating a Time Plan

It’s essential to be clear about who your app is for and what problems it should solve. Time planning outlines the project’s timeline, possible costs, design and development strategies, and more. Thus, it allows you to proceed in the right direction with your team.

Make sure your plan includes crucial checkpoints like user research, user testing, initial prototyping, investor presentations, etc.

Also, your target audience and the fundamental requirements of your app should be clarified.

Remember, you have competitors in this field, so you should organize a strategy session with your team and customers based on what your competitors offer.

Research More Often

You’ve done the initial brainstorming; now, you need to back your ideas with data.

Before diving into your design and development plan, you need clear, data-supported evidence to support your decisions. You should be able to fully articulate who will use your app and why it should have specific features.

How to Conduct Research that Ensures Successful User Experience?

Create Your Sketches

Depending on the size and complexity of your app, you should do a sketching exercise.

Regardless of your idea, mapping out the user flow of your app is crucial. If you can clearly depict how your app functions, how specific screens will guide the user to the next point (essentially the outcomes of any in-app actions), you can identify design flaws and usability issues beforehand.

Start with Initial Designs

If you want to raise capital for your app, you’ll need something to show potential investors. This means creating a prototype.

Your initial prototypes are a tangible asset you can use for user testing, final design planning, and in investor conversations to showcase your app’s features.

To get started,

Finish your design Finish your code Prepare an intro animation

Additionally, using Android Studio for these tasks can make your job easier.

Also, make sure to create a clear code map.

To easily understand your code two years from now, make your page names and variable names understandable.

Learning to code and creating your own mobile app is definitely possible;

However, if the process seems long and complex, call us! Therefore, we are deeply involved in helping newcomers like you and corporate companies bring their mobile apps to market faster.