Ransomware is a malicious software that, when installed on a computer, uses powerful encryption algorithms to delete or corrupt data. Considering the data loss and downtime, these attacks pose a dangerous threat to businesses. Unfortunately, the frequency of ransomware attacks is increasing year by year.

The perpetrators behind ransomware usually demand a sum of money in exchange for releasing the data to make it usable again. However, paying this requested amount doesn’t guarantee full access to the usable data.

Let’s take a look at how to effectively recover from a ransomware attack while avoiding dealings with the attackers.

Methods to Recover from Ransomware Remediation Processes

Decrypting files encrypted by ransomware is nearly impossible. Therefore, the best way to restore data is to create a situation recovery plan based on backup and replication.

Post-Attack Measures

Despite preventive measures, the possibility of falling victim to a ransomware attack still exists.

Some methods can help minimize the impact of a ransomware attack when it occurs or is detected. Here are some suggestions:

Cut off the connection of the infected device:

When you detect software that could harm the machine, it’s essential to disconnect the device from external storage and networks. This prevents the virus from spreading to interconnected machines and systems. Taking this step allows you to preserve unaffected data and reduce the time spent recovering files from ransomware. Afterward, determine the number of machines affected by the ransomware attack and check for any suspicious activity in your infrastructure.

Identify the type of ransomware and talk to the first person who noticed the issue:

It’s crucial to identify mistakes made when the virus was detected. Inquire about activities before the virus infected the system, whether any suspicious emails were received, and what files were downloaded recently.

Determining the type of ransomware provides valuable information to identify security vulnerabilities and make necessary changes to protect data. Additionally, it helps understand how files were affected.

This information helps understand which strategy should be used to avoid paying the ransom and successfully recover from the software attack.

Report the issue:

During employee training, emphasize the importance of reporting any suspicious activity on their machines to the IT team.

This enables IT professionals to respond promptly to a ransomware attack without causing significant damage.

Afterward, report the ransomware attack to authorities (company owner, company managers, Cybercrime Department) and provide them with detailed information about the incident.

Reporting to authorities can help prevent future attacks.

Don’t pay the ransom:

Authorities advise against complying with the demands of attackers, as it encourages more ransomware attacks in the future. Paying the ransom immediately makes you an easy target for hackers looking to make quick money.

Paying the ransom doesn’t guarantee that attackers will unlock or decrypt the data as promised.

Describe the impact of the attack:

Determine how much data was corrupted, how many machines were infected, and estimate how long it will take to recover from the attack. Assess the criticality of the data that has become unusable and determine if it can be recovered without paying the ransom.

Recover your system from ransomware

Start by removing the ransomware.

How to Recover from a Ransomware Attack?

There are several methods for data recovery after a ransomware attack, but their effectiveness varies depending on the situation.

If you’re using Windows, you can try using the Windows System Restore utility to recover system and program settings from automatically created restore points. However, this method doesn’t guarantee the recovery of all data.

Modern ransomware can disable System Restore and delete or corrupt Windows restore points.

In such cases, this method is ineffective.

Use ransomware decryption tools:

After identifying the type and version of the ransomware, try to find a decryption tool provided by security researchers.

Unfortunately, decryption tools aren’t available for every ransomware version.

Finding a decryption tool is increasingly challenging in today’s landscape.

Use software to recover deleted files:

If ransomware hasn’t overwritten your files on the disk or filled the disk surface with zeros or random data, there might be a chance to recover some critical data.

Scanning the disk surface always takes a long time.

After the recovery process, file names may be lost.

Retrieve backups:

The main purpose of this method is to prepare before an incident occurs and not wait until ransomware infects your machines. Regularly back up your data at intervals.

Which are the best backup applications?

It’s recommended to adhere to the 3-2-1 backup rule and store backups offline, outside of the system, to recover from a ransomware attack. Establish a backup system, whether it’s inexpensive or expensive.

The best way to create backups is to use specialized data protection solutions that support different types of workloads and infrastructures and allow you to follow the 3-2-1 backup rule.

The time it takes to recover data and restore workloads to the system can vary from days to months.

Key factors that affect the recovery time:

The experience of the system administrator is always crucial. They have multiple situation recovery plans for different scenarios and know what to do in each situation.

Always be prepared for such ransomware attacks and have a recovery plan.

If your file names were changed due to encryption during the attack, it will take longer to place them correctly after the recovery process. If these files are necessary for your applications to function, you need to make an effort to restore them to the correct file and directory structure.

If you have backups, the time required for recovery after a ransomware attack is reduced.

Having your files backed up also means that you can retrieve structured data, including file and folder names, correctly after the recovery.

Select an appropriate date/time for backup and choose the target location where the data will be recovered.

Then wait until the data is copied and recovered.

Always test your recovery plan

Inadequate testing of a ransomware recovery plan can lead to longer-than-expected data recovery times. Therefore, always try to test your recovery plan to ensure you can recover everything you need at an appropriate time.

Seek Professional Help

Proje34 continues its journey with a team that has 20 years of experience in the data recovery sector.

Recovering damaged devices is a challenging process. Therefore, the need for expert individuals in the field increases, and the working environment should meet specific conditions. Special rooms called ‘Cleanrooms’ are closed spaces where the optimum temperature, humidity, and pressure balance required for electronic devices are maintained. This allows experts to perform device recovery processes efficiently.

Our company meticulously carries out the process of recovering data from damaged devices due to impact or other reasons. For this purpose, we use state-of-the-art areas.

Having data recovery services provided by non-professionals can turn into a nightmare for you. Therefore, for data recovery operations, it is essential to consult professionals in the field.